which initial D character are you?

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oh, hallo, it's me, someboadee and this is my first quiz. i am a big fan of this magna called initial d and i decided to make a quiz on it since i was bored.

initial d had tons of characters, so i only picked the main characters. well, i don't have anything else to say, so, well, take the quiz! come on, just answer the questions!

Created by: Someboadee
  1. what is your favorite car dealer?
  2. what's your favorite color?
  3. which team sounds cooler to you?
  4. what's your personality?
  5. pick a car
  6. where would you live?
  7. if you were to dye your hair, what would it be?
  8. what job would you like out of these?
  9. what clothes would you wear?
  10. how did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which initial D character am I?