Which hunger game tribute are you

There are many hunger game fans out there and they all have different personalities. Find out which hunger game character you are. Answer the questions and find out!

Who are you? Are you sweet like prim... Or are you brutal like Cato... Well find out what personality you have and which hunger game character you are most like!

Created by: Melanie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of these would you want to be?
  2. Whats your favorite part of the book?
  3. What weapon would be most useful to you
  4. How are you a tribute?
  5. How would you survive?
  6. What district are you from?
  7. What are you best at?
  8. Who do you love the most?
  9. What would be your favorite pet?
  10. What trait are you?

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Quiz topic: Which hunger game tribute am I