Which httyd character are you?

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There are many people who think they know who they would be in the httyd series, but some of them may not know. People take this quiz to find out and thier answers might not even be who they thought they were.

Do you know which character you are from the httyd movies? You probably don't know. You could find out in just minuets away if you were to take this quiz.

Created by: Darkpony13
  1. What do you do in your spare time?
  2. Do you ever play pranks on people?
  3. What do you most describe yourself as?
  4. What type of dragon do you like the most?
  5. Picture this: You are in a cave with no light. You come into the middle section of the cave and trip on a rock. You suddenly got back up hoping nothing heard that. You started walking again when you feel this small breeze going up your spine. You turn around as fast as you possibly can and see a gigantic Rumblehorn staring at you. What weapon do you choose?
  6. What is your favorite color?
  7. What is your favorite character frome httyd 1 and 2? [doesn't count]
  8. These few other questions do not count as answers. What is your favorite dragon or dragons from the movies?
  9. Did you like this quiz?
  10. Do you want me to do more?

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Quiz topic: Which httyd character am I?