Which Hogwarts House Are You a Part of?

This is a Hogwarts Sorting Quiz. By answering these questions, you will be Sorted into either: Hufflepuff, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor Houses.

Gryffindors are brave and daring. Hufflepuffs are fair and loyal. Slytherins are determined and traditional. Ravenclaws are intelligent and creative. Good luck!

Created by: gryffindorgirl
  1. Have you ever taken a quiz that has Sorted you before?
  2. What House did it tell you you were a part of?
  3. What is your favorite form of fire?
  4. What would Amortentia smell like to you? (a potion that smells of what attracts you)
  5. What place would you like to study in?
  6. What is your idea of the best vacation? (I can only have eight answers per question, so if your answer isn't here, click "none of these" an select an answer from the other question)
  7. What is your idea of the best vacation? (I can only have eight answers per question, so if your answer isn't any of these, click "none of these" and select an answer from the other question)
  8. Pick a season. (based on the reasons given and not real life)
  9. Pick a thing in the sky.
  10. If you could eliminate one thing from the world, what would it be?
  11. What would you use to channel your magic?
  12. Pick a thing of the Earth.
  13. A Patronus is essentially an animal that represents your personality and your spirit. It acts as a defense against things that are unhappy and dark. What form would yours take?
  14. To conjure a Patronus, you need to focus on a very happy memory. What memory would you use?
  15. What is your best/worst quality?
  16. You enter an enchanted room, in which there are several enchanted objects. Which one do you look at first?

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Quiz topic: Which Hogwarts House am I a Part of? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Sorting Hat Quiz category.
