Which Harry Potter House Are YOU in?

There are some fabulous people in this world, but very selective few are Wizards and Witches. These people are usually invited to go to the fabulous school of Hogwarts; wouldn't you like to know which house YOUR in before you go there?

Hufflepuff your thing? If not then perhaps you are a slightly sly Slytherin person. Or are you the wonderously courageous Gryffindor person? You may even be the braniac Ravenclaw! Until this moment, you could only wonder about this result. But in all thanks to this fantastic quiz, you may now find out!

Created by: Catchallduchess1
  1. You are in the middle of a heated game of quidditch, one person from another team falls down off their broom and nobody goes to their rescue; do you:
  2. Someone from another house gets a lot of house points from the teacher; do you:
  3. When you die, how do you want people to think of you?
  4. What lesson do you most look forward to learning in Hogwarts?
  5. There is a potion in the room which smells of whatever smell most attracts you. What smell would you be able to smell?
  6. What is your favourite potion?
  7. What book would appeal to you most?
  8. What animal/creature are you most intruiged to learn about at Hogwarts?
  9. Who is your favourite teacher at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry?
  10. What quality do you think most important in a person?

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Quiz topic: Which Harry Potter House am I in?