Which Hamilton Character Are You?

Guys this took me far longer than it should have so take it, don't cheat, get out and go home and then we can all RP in peace.

Seriously I don't understand why I need to say so much in these paragraphs blah blah blah may the best Laurens win.

Created by: Ro
  1. How would you advance in battle?
  2. Hamilton:
  3. Choose a Washington quote:
  4. Consider the character you hope to be. What would your wife's name be? (without googling the answer)
  5. Who had a connection to Thomas Paine?
  6. You're getting married. Where?
  7. The Sorting Hat's been put on your head. What house does it declare you in?
  8. The Revolutionary Set consists of whom in 'Aaron Burr, Sir'?
  9. Alexander Hamilton. You:
  10. What means the most to you?
  11. Someone's been cornered in an alley and is struggling to escape. The attacker is taunting the victim, but doesn't seem to be dangerous. What do you do?
  12. What's your favorite Hamilton song?

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Quiz topic: Which Hamilton Character am I?