which greys anatomy female character are you? | Comments

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  • which greys anatomy female character are you?
    Your Result: meredith 93%

    your kind, considerate and care alot of your friends and family. you sometimes find it hard to open up but when you do it's for the best. you sometimes fall for people you shouldnt and take a while to get over them you find it hard to leave the past behind but get on with life. youre very loyal and would do anything for the people you love

    91% cristina
    64% izzie

  • izzie 88%

    your caring, kind, considerate and thoughtful. you know what you want and you get it you've probably done a lot of stuff youre not proud of but the past is the past. you would do anything for the people you love and anything to keep them close by. you never give until you have to. your a strong person like meredith but when you crack everything comes flooding out. your friends are your family and your life

    well this is depressing consisdering my name.

  • haha. of course i'd score meredith. :)


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