Which Greek God are you?

We all know there's some god in you. You just have to find which one. Are you even part greek? After you take this test, you most likley are! Start learning your greek because you are about to become a god!

Which greek god are you? This quiz will tell you, who you truley are. Artemis, Zeus, Athena, or Poseidon. Have you ever even wondered if you had some god in you? Well lets find out!

Created by: misto
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite symbol?
  2. What are your strenghts?
  3. What charistics do you have?
  4. What is your favorite animal?
  5. What is your favorite activitie?
  6. Whats your favorite food?
  7. Do you like the greek gods?
  8. Is this quiz fun?
  9. Who are your parents?
  10. Who would you marry?

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Quiz topic: Which Greek God am I?