Which Great Gatsby character are you?

There are good-hearted people in this world and there are bad ones. The good people don't see whats coming and the bad people are the ones that cause it.

Do YOU want to know what Gatsby character you would be? Take the quiz and find out! In just a few minutes you can found out who you would be if you were in the novel.

Created by: Ashley of The Great Gatsby Quiz
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At a party, youre the person who...
  2. On a summer day, youd like to...
  3. How would you get your money?
  4. You know someone is lying, so you..
  5. You realize you don't love the person you've married, so you..
  6. Do you like reading?
  7. If you saw a person who needed your help you would...
  8. Are you a hard worker?
  9. My favorite color is?
  10. If you came across money lying on the road you would..

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Quiz topic: Which Great Gatsby character am I?