Which Golden Trio/Death Eater Meme Are You

Hmmmm........do you always get pushed around and need to do some stupid ol' homework? Well, if you need some happiness, joy, and laughter in your life this is the quiz for you!

It includes fun memes, examples, and even some of my personal opinions. You don't have to take my quiz though. Those who follow all of my quizzes are my fellow Foxies

Created by: Cherry Demon Fox
  1. How do you spend your free time?
  2. Which family do you prefer?
  3. Who is your favorite person?
  4. Favorite movie?
  5. Teenager, child, or adult?
  6. What would you do?You're on a romantic date and you suddenly have a fight with your BF/GF.
  7. Blood, Corpses, or Death?
  8. Black Or White?
  9. Truth Or Dare?
  10. Sick or Healthy?

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Quiz topic: Which Golden Trio/Death Eater Meme am I
