Which god/goddess are you? (ultimate quiz)

This quiz is a quiz to test which god or goddess you are. The results are not accurate, but it shows your most likely portrayed skills/personality. It should be fun, and make you laugh.

The people who helped me make this quiz is Ariel and Samantha. They came up with the idea and the details, so thank you for all you have done to help me make this quiz.

Created by: Allison
  1. What is your go-to weapon to battle a monster
  2. What is your favorite food?
  3. Are you male or female?
  4. Young or old?
  5. What cat is better: Sphinx or Savannah?
  6. Why Is Greek mythology important?
  7. Who created this quiz (be honest)
  8. Do you like the Percy Jackson Series?
  9. Is Artemis a good hunter?
  10. When did the PJO series release

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Quiz topic: Which god/goddess am I? (ultimate quiz)
