Which Glader are you??

I mean, the gladers are AWESOME. They stayed alive even in the toughest times. I don't know how they do it. Everyone has that sort of person in them. Who's in your blood?

As I said, everyone has a bit of that glader blood. Each glader is a bit different in their own special way. Who's blood do you have? You're about to find out!

Created by: IDK
  1. Welcome to the Glade. Whaddya do?
  2. How do you react to a new glader?
  3. How hard is it for you to do a puzzle?
  4. Grievers are coming! How do you react?
  5. Page 250 just happened. Whaddya do?
  6. Did you read the Maze Runner?
  7. Whaddya call Thomas
  8. What do you do in a pinch?
  9. Who's your favorite glader?
  10. Favorite glader slang word?

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Quiz topic: Which Glader am I??