which gears of war warrior are you?

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See which Cog character you are! Everyone should love gears of war unless you hate itt because i like it then there is a problem. But still, enjoy guys!

If this is allowed, give this quiz a good rating or something because i have never been on this website and i dont know how it works. Dont overflow my gmail with rules though.

Created by: Michael
  1. which would you die by?
  2. which is your favourite type of lucust to kill?
  3. Which rank would you be?
  4. Would you give mercy?
  5. How many times do you train?
  6. Do you like being the boss?
  7. What is you favourite weapon?
  8. Are you scared of blood?
  9. Would you rather fight skorg, general Raam, or beserker?
  10. Would you rather brains or bronze?

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Quiz topic: Which gears of war warrior am I?

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