which fnaf human likes you?

time to see which of these humans likes you!! (from fnaf) i honestly think im gonna get william. who will you get? oh by the way my nickname for henry is weird so yeah

sorry if its cringe or short TwT do you like it btw? i dont know if you do but i hope you do!! if you didnt please tell me what i need to do to make it better

Created by: miwa
  1. what is your favorite hobby?
  2. william: can i ask a question?? me: yeah sure buddy. william: what is your favorite location i have made thus far? (no affect)
  3. mikey: MY TURN B@ST@RDS!!! so, do you like sm0king and v@ping???
  4. henry: what type of personality do you have???
  5. mikey: what is your favorite sport????
  6. what do you do most of your free time
  7. if you had to choose one of these, who would you choose?
  8. what is your type of humor?
  9. alright. time to end thy quiz.
  10. william: see ya honey~

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