Which Escape the Night S3 Character Are you?

Did you know that there is an Escape the Night Season 3? I did not either! Here is a description of Escape the Night Season 3. I am only doing this to stretch the word count.

wow! so freaky! etn character! can you believe that this is your character? you probably look like this character too cuz damn, im looking through your webcam / phone camera and you DEFINITELY look like him/her

Created by: Viv
  1. How are you doing? :3
  2. What does your lifestyle look like in the Wild West?
  3. Can you fight?
  4. Would you give money to a homeless person?
  5. What's your biggest fear? (Out of all of these listed right here)
  6. Do you smoke or drink alcohol?
  7. Pokemon hypothetical: What starter would you choose?
  8. How many friends do you have?
  9. What food do you normally eat?
  10. What do you do in your free time?

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Quiz topic: Which Escape the Night S3 Character am I?
