Which Enlightenment Thinker Are You?

This quiz is intended for a Global History lesson introducing these Enlightenment Thinkers. Take this quiz and find out which one you best align with! Are you like Locke and believe in natural rights? Are you like Montesquieu and believe in checks and balances in government? Or are you like Rousseau and believe in the Social Contract?

Do you believe in democracy? Or would you rather be ruled by a king or queen? Which form of government speaks to your soul? Do the people have the right to revolt if government is no longer working for them?

Created by: Caitlin Krehan
  1. Your teacher has assigned you a group project that is worth 50% of your grade, you choose to....
  2. What do you value most in a friendship?
  3. You order a drink at your favorite coffee shop. The barista not only gets your order wrong, but also spells your name wrong. You chose to…
  4. You are taking a test and the person next to you keeps tapping their pencil annoyingly and squeaking their chair loudly. This is very distracting to you and you cannot concentrate on your important test. You choose to…
  5. You catch your younger sibling rifling through your room and throwing things on the floor. You choose to…
  6. You and your friend arranged to go to the school dance together. Once you get there your friend sees their crush and instantly bails on you for the rest of the night. You choose to...
  7. Your grandma makes you a really ugly hat. She says that it will make her so happy if you wear it for your school picture day tomorrow. You choose to…
  8. You accidentally drop your mom’s phone and the screen cracks. You were not supposed to be on it in the first place and you realize you are going to get in a lot of trouble. You choose to…
  9. Which appeals to you most?
  10. Which is the best form of government?

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Quiz topic: Which Enlightenment Thinker am I?
