Which Ella Enchanted character are you

The movie is about a girl called Ella Of Frell she is given the gift of obedience. Her mother passes away when she is a child. Later her dad gets married to Dame Ogla

She has two stepsisters called Hattie and Olive. They are mean and cruel and Hattie wants to marry prince charmont and he hates her but loves Ella in the end of the movie Ella gets married to char

Created by: Tara Fox
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What animal is better
  2. What do you like more
  3. Do you like food
  4. What gender is better
  5. What do you like more
  6. What do you like the least
  7. What animal would you like to become
  8. What colour is better
  9. What piece of clothing is better
  10. What food is better

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Quiz topic: Which Ella Enchanted character am I