Which element would you be?

Here is a quiz asking you some questions that you may or may not want to answer. By the way, the first two questions don't change anything because that'd be unfair.

So which one are you? There are loads of these quizzes but this one probably has more answers. You may also learn something interesting from your result so try this multiple times for different answers.

Created by: Anonymous is a name
  1. Which of these do you prefer?
  2. What would you name your daughter
  3. Where would you rather live?
  4. Which eeveelution do you prefer? If you don't know, eevee is a pokemon with 8 evolutions
  5. Which is your favourite fairy taley thing?
  6. How long is this taking you? It's taking forever to make
  7. Back to the quiz, do you ever wish you could do one of these?
  8. Do you choooose...?
  9. Bananas share 95% of their DNA with who?
  10. Zxy... what comes next?
  11. 1 man goes into a room. 1 man comes out of the room. There is now one man in the room. Why? Not how, that's obvious, why?
  12. Why did the chicken cross the road
  13. What colour are the bus driver's socks?

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