Which dragon tribe do you belong to?

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Do you wonder what species of dragon you'd be if you lived in the Wings of Fire world? This quiz includes dragon all of species from all of the books, including the third story arc.

Will you be a kind understanding Mudwing, a brave fearless Seawing, or a beautiful Silkwing? You could also be a Rainwing, a Nightwing, Sandwing, Icewing, Skywing, Hivewing, or Leafwing.

Created by: Justwingit
  1. Your best friend tells you a horrible secret. Do you tell anyone? If so, who do you tell?
  2. Where would you rather live?
  3. Where would you rather live?
  4. Where would you rather live?
  5. Where would you rather live?
  6. Where would you rather live?
  7. Do you like the heat?
  8. What kinds of food would you like I if you were a dragon.
  9. Have you/would you, cheat on a test?
  10. A dragon comes up to you looking mad. What do you do?
  11. Your friend is crying, because he/she got called a mean name. What do you do

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Quiz topic: Which dragon tribe do I belong to?
