Which Dragon Rider are you?

We all love how to train your dragon and of course we all have a favorite character but when you watch the you might think I am so much like that character. Well now the time to see if you were right.

Take this quiz to see which dragon rider matches your personality the best. Remember to answer all of the questions and to check the results at the end.

Created by: Flames Haddock
  1. Do you think you are a good leader
  2. What is your favorite dragon?
  3. What do you think you and your dragon would do
  4. If you had to risk everything to save the edge your first thought would be.....
  5. What's your favorite weapon
  6. Favorite color
  7. If you were given the choice to save a dragon but risk your life what would be your first thought?
  8. Favorite battle tactic
  9. If you were a dragon rider what would you do in your spare time
  10. What kind of dragon rider would you be
  11. What kind of person do your friends tell you, you are
  12. If you were a dragon rider what do you think your strength would be?

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Quiz topic: Which Dragon Rider am I?
