which dragon hunter are you most like from httyd

are you crazy or calm? do this quiz and see if you are either odd or calm as a dragon hunter! this quiz was made for fun and is for laughs!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Created by: molly8291
  1. are you crazy?
  2. are you calm but angry when needed?
  3. Are you self centered
  4. which do you like? hunters... or riders?
  5. do you like the idea of dragon root?
  6. who is your favorite dragon rider and their dragon
  7. (this is random) me: updog you: what? me: i said updog! :3 you:wait, what is updog?OH WAIT (we both laugh like crazy)
  8. are you very loud and yell at people
  9. if you were a rider/hunter what would your personality be like?
  10. if your hunter slaves ran off would you...

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Quiz topic: Which dragon hunter am I most like from httyd