Which Downbelow Station character are you?

Downbelow Station by C. J. Cherryh is quite an exceptional book. It is a little over 500 pages of politics, action, warfare, diplomacy and dilemmas. For those of you who have not read it I encourage you to.

So which Downbelow Station character are you? Signy Mallory, the infamous captain of the Norway, or Damon Konstantin, son of the head of Pell's Station? Or maybe you're more like Josh Talley or Elene Quen. With this quiz you can find out. Note: Please don't be offended by the results. It's an online quiz to take for fun, not a complete and official personality evaluation. Note #2: At the time of me writing this this is the ONLY Downbelow Station Character Quiz. So if you are reading this and have read the book please go out there and make another one. O want some competition.

Created by: Signy Mallory
  1. What is your attitude toward killing?
  2. Sorry about the horrible cliche, but it's actually important in this situation. Is it better to be feared or respected/liked?
  3. Oh no! Mazian's Raiders are attacking! What do you do?
  4. How do you walk? Yes, you heard me correctly. How. do. you. walk?
  5. Which of the following people do you hate more than anyone else?
  6. How do you think about the hisa?
  7. Where do you want to live?
  8. Are you a fighter.
  9. What side of the war are you on?
  10. Are you rejuved?

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Quiz topic: Which Downbelow Station character am I?