Which DISNEY CHANNEL Character Are You?

There are famous people, there are funny people, there are snobs, there are friends, there are wealthy people and more... Who are you? Disney channel has them all, so find out who you are now!

So who are you? Find out!!!

Created by: Sophie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. At a party you're...
  2. Do you buy presents for friends when you're on holiday?
  3. Which one of these is your fave?
  4. Do you watch any?
  5. Which job do you think sounds most fun?
  6. Do you watch any of these?
  7. What is your style?
  8. Would you swap your life with any one?
  9. Do you want to be famous?
  10. Last question, how do feel?

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Quiz topic: Which DISNEY CHANNEL Character am I?