Which dank meme are you?

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Have you ever pondered about life? Or thought that a cat should be president? Or thought about recent se-oh wait that's pushing it a little to far. Letters

But with this you can finally realize why you think about that! Except that you won't! This is a meme quiz not a quiz about stupid and idiotic thoughts!! So, begin the journey of my quiz!!

Created by: Oscar
  1. You want Dat Boi don't you?
  2. Can you eat a brick?
  3. What's your favourite meme?(aren't you glad I didn't say colour)
  4. What's your favourite colour? lololololololololol
  5. Are you a chair or are you a bear?
  6. Is, Accident a real place?
  8. Ha, just kidding!
  9. Yob Dobs Bra
  10. If you could create a meme, what would it be?
  11. Did you enjoy?!
  12. Bye!!(No effect)

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Quiz topic: Which dank meme am I?