Which Conspiracy Forum Are You

There are some conspiracy forums on the web. This might seem like a random quiz but it is not. It is helping you know which works best for you. That's right, which forum should you visit?

Do you have a conspiracy you believe in? What is it? Where do you belong? Take this quiz and find out. Or is it also a conspiracy? Think it through and figure out which is best for you.

Created by: Lop Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like people?
  2. Do you like the news?
  3. Choose One
  4. Which do you prefer?
  5. Pick a show
  6. Drink
  7. Food time... what do you eat?
  8. Season
  9. President
  10. The Dark Secret
  11. Happiness is

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Quiz topic: Which Conspiracy Forum am I