which color are you?

there are so many colores in the world......and there is so many personalities..but what color suites each personality???????????????????????????find out now which color suits yours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

did you ever wonder what color most suits your personality????????????????????????????what color most describes you??????????????in just a few miutes you will find out!!!

Created by: jessica
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you really love your friends?
  2. do you like animals?
  3. whats your favourite color?
  4. whats your favourite color?
  5. what do you do in you're free time?
  6. what do you do on holidays?
  7. do you read books?
  8. did you like this quiz?
  9. what do you like the most?
  10. are you bored yet?

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Quiz topic: Which color am I?