which classic childrens' novel should you read next

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I love to read. So, the hardest part in starting a book is that I don't know which book to read next. I hope this quiz helps you find your new favorite book.

And, if the book you're matched with is one that you've already read, then either read it again or read the sequels. Most of these books have sequels that will keep you busy for a while. I hope you enjoy it!!

Created by: Violet
  1. What reading level are you?
  2. Pick a animal
  3. Vacation time, where would you go?
  4. Do you like to read about animals?
  5. Adventure?
  6. Do you like to read about sibling teams?
  7. Pick a subject
  8. Happiness comes in...
  9. When did you last read a book?
  10. Pick one thing that you like do/read about

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Quiz topic: Which classic childrens' novel should I read next
