Which Christmas character are you?

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Tis the season to be jolly! But your little emo self is sat in their room pretending to hate themself and clicking on a quiz about what christmas character are you?

On the other side of the world, a talented, handsome, perfect human being has just finished creating that same quiz, he is a true example for all of mankind.

Created by: atlasmoth
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you think you are on the Naughty list or the Nice list?
  2. Which of the following sounds more fun?
  3. Your favourite thing about Christmastime is...
  4. What do you wear most frequently?
  5. When it snows, you can't help but think...
  6. A gift you are likely to receive is...
  7. At the moment, I'm wearing mainly...
  8. Your favourite Christmas decoration is...
  9. Long journeys are...

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Quiz topic: Which Christmas character am I?