Which Charmed one are you most like?

Do you think your charmed or are you a fan after all it is true many are not like the charmed ones but if you are you probably are truly happy for if you are you are great.

Would you be willing to take the extra mile to find out which charmed one you are most like? This is a test of mentality and focus skill do you know yourself?

Created by: christyana luccitos
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your passion?
  2. What is most important?
  3. Art is a what ....
  4. singing is a what?
  5. are you crafty?
  6. What is the most commonly needed in your life?
  7. music is...
  8. What is a cool thing ?
  9. Is a demon cool or bad?
  10. what color are your eyes?

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Quiz topic: Which Charmed one am I most like?