Which Big Cat Can You Change Into

I hate the 150 letter thing.let's see what is 100=30=20=I hate it! it = 150,I hate it!1,2,3,4,5,6,7,89,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, Which is your fav number?

123456789123456789.Can you count?Take my quiz and if you get a M.Lion you can!take my quiz to find out!Do it now,do it NOW!126 what place is the 6 in?You could figurue it out if you take my quiz and get a tiger!

Created by: pillow willow 16
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you work with others
  2. Do you like to be alone
  3. ANother animal is tring to steal food.What do you do?
  4. If you could be any of the following,what would it be?
  5. Are big cats dumb?
  6. Do you like deer or rabbit better?
  7. Do you like to hunt?
  8. Do you have a strong aumsyspstem?
  9. Which is you fav group of letter out of these?
  10. This is the last Q!
  11. Did I trick you?

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Quiz topic: Which Big Cat can I Change Into