Which Bennet Sister Are You?

It’s time to find out which sister you truly are!Maybe you are the main character, Elizabeth?The sweet and kind eldest sister, Jane?The semi-nerdy Mary?Or maybe you are one of the youngest? Kitty or Lydia?

This is based off of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin! Pictures are from the 2005 film adaptation. Have fun! Answer honestly!Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Created by: lilyyeahyeahyeah
  1. On a typical Saturday, what would you most likely be caught doing?
  2. If you were to have one job, what would it be?
  3. Favorite movie genre?
  4. What is your type?
  5. Do you get crushes easily?
  6. Pick a fictional character to marry
  7. Favorite weather?
  8. Pick a dress color
  9. Favorite class at school?
  10. A suitor, who you don’t particularly care for but do not hate, asks you to marry them. What do you do?
  11. You are asked out by your crush! Congrats! Where do you two go?
  12. Pick a word to describe you
  13. Are you more…
  14. Are you more…
  15. That’s it! This has no effect btw
  16. Ha! Get pranked, one final question!Favorite music genre?
  17. Double get pranked! Okay for real this is the last oneWhich friend are you in the friend group?

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Quiz topic: Which Bennet Sister am I?
