Which Beatles are you?

Which Beatle are you the most similar to? Are you a witty John? A charming Paul? An insightful George? A free-spirited Ringo? Which Beatle would you be?

Find out here! Take the quiz and find out which one of the fab four you would be. Be honest with yourself and you will actually see which Beatle you are the most similar too!!!!

Created by: dan
  1. You have a week off from work, what do you want to do?
  2. what does the opposite sex like most about you?
  3. What instrument is the most appealing to you?
  4. When you get angry at your best friend, you...
  5. Whats your poison?
  6. How happy are you with your life?
  7. At a party, you are...
  8. How did you find America?
  9. Who would you want to hang out with the most for one evening?
  10. The best part of being a Beatle is...

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Quiz topic: Which Beatles am I?