Which attack on titan charater suits you

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Welcome! It is my very first time creating a quiz so i hope you enjoyed, this is a quiz to verify which character from the popular japanese manga/anime attack on titan or shingeki no kyojin your personality is most relatable to

Attack on titan was created by hajime isayama and due to the great efforts from wit studios it rapidly soared to popularity overtaking one piece as the best selling manga its a story set in world of conflict where humans must take on man eating gaints ( titans ) in order to survive within the walls rose, maria and sina the overall plot and history includes conplicated topics such as a rich history based on the some real world conflicts from the past, rasism and philosophy im sure it will be a pleasure to watch and i highly reccomend it for all anime enjoyers

Created by: Falco
  1. Are you a boy or a girl ( helps with the results )
  2. Which attack on titan girl would you go out with
  3. Now, which boy from attack on titan would you date
  4. Which titan are you?
  5. What is your reaction to erens rumbling idea ( picture yourself as a character in aot and eren has just told you about his idea to destroy the world )
  6. What was your reaction ( as a fan of aot ) to eren saying he hates mikasa
  7. Whcih fraction are you with
  8. Which family in aot is your personal favourite ( wont change results
  9. Is connie a good character
  10. Why do you fight

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Quiz topic: Which attack on titan charater suits me

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