Which are you Jedi or Sith

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This is a quiz all about Star Wars.To find out if your a protective Jedi,or a evil Sith.

When you have done this quiz you will be able to play the part you really play when playing Star Wars with friends family and even by yourself.

Created by: Elsie

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If your friend turns against you what would you do.would you
  2. If there is a war what would you do
  3. There are 4 people at a bar. Which one would you talk to first
  4. If there were 3 spaceships placed in front of you which one would you travel in
  5. If you could choose your best friend who would they be most like
  6. Which planet would you choose to live on
  7. Where would you choose to go to
  8. If a fire caught on your house what order would you rescue your things in
  9. Would your light saber be
  10. If you made a robot who would it be most like

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Quiz topic: Which am I Jedi or Sith