Which Animal Link Are You?

Hey people! At my school, my friends and I have created a group called The Hunters of Artemis. We're following her ways, which means each of us has an animal we are linked to as a Hunter.

So this is a way to figure out who new Hunters are. Any one can take it, just thought you would like to know what it's really for. And if you are a new Hunter, then good luck!

Created by: EmGirl
  1. Your friend is left behind, when she told you she had to and for you not to follow. What do you decide to do?
  2. You have the last piece of food in the camp. Your friend is still hungry after her small meal. What do you do?
  3. You are working on a battle strategy. You have a moment to fight some troops. This could win you the war, but it's a big risk, and you might lose. What do you do?
  4. You have a choice activity, out of the bellow, what do you choose to do?
  5. Your mother is about to die as a man tries to get you to tell him something. You are not bound by anything. You have 4 options. A)Get in the way of the gun and die yourself giving your mother time to get away B)Kill the man before he can shoot, but he may be able to still injure/kill your mom, even though he'd be over and done with C)Let him kill your mom and show no signs of weakness D)Scream for help and pray to God. You choose:
  6. Fight or Flight?
  7. Peace or War?
  8. Love or Hate?
  9. Tolerance or Freedom?
  10. You are locked in a room with no chances of escape with your friends and family and the man who is going to kill all them and you are going to die in 5 minuets because of a bomb he set. What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Which Animal Link am I?