Which Aikatsu Character are You

This is about an anime you probably never heard about or dislike. It is called AIKATSU!. It is all about idols, dresses, etc., you got the idea This will tell you who you are most like.

This has 4 results that you can get. Kanzaki Mizuki who is a mysterious beauty. She is very self sufficient and good at everything. Hoshimiya Ichigo has a cheerful personality. She is a supportive role-model. Aoi is a smart person who is like a regular person. Sera loves rock music and is cool.

Created by: ..............
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what is your personality
  2. are you a big eater
  3. Do your friends say that you are beautiful? If yes, why?
  4. Do you attract friends
  5. You love clothes with frills and bows on them
  6. You are popular with friends
  7. Do you know this anime?
  9. The rest of these have NO EFFECT!!!! (including 9 and 10)
  10. LUV U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >o

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Quiz topic: Which Aikatsu Character am I