Where Will You Go When You Die?

Where are you going when you die? dont know? Well we might have an answer! Are you bad? Good? This quiz will be at least 90% accurate! If you are reading this then take the quiz or you'll be sorry!

Dont wait until you die you can save your life right now! Or find if your on the right track! Again you'll be sorry if you take this quiz! Have a nice day!

Created by: Maryum Natalie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. How many friends do you have?
  2. Are you generous?
  3. What is your favorite element?
  4. Oh No a dog is in a trap! What do you do?!
  5. You see a poor guy on the streets. Would you give him money?
  6. Do you abuse animals?
  7. Do you curse?
  8. Whats your personality?
  9. Do you pray?
  10. If someone says good morning do you say good morning back?

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Quiz topic: Where will I Go When You Die?