What's Your Type (for Girls)?

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No one ever reads these, but… have you struggled to perfectly label “your type”? Then look no further! I made this quiz! It's your lucky day! Time to find your type, sister!

Will you get the Bad Boy? The Class Clown? Or maybe the Romeo? Could it possibly be the Smartie, or the Loyal Knight, or the Artist? Could it be the Jock or the Shadow? Or maybe the Social Butterfly is your jam? Find out!

Created by: TEENAGER
  1. Hello and welcome to this quiz! First let's start with a simple question: how would other people describe you?
  2. What sounds like your ideal first date?
  3. What is an immediate red flag?
  4. What do you find most attractive in a guy (physically)?
  5. Immediate turnoff?
  6. What do you want him to find the most attractive about you (personality)?
  7. If you could pick his favorite color, what would it be?
  8. What would you want his texting style to be?
  9. What is an immediate turn on?
  10. Do you stan Gollum from Lord of the Rings or Doby from Harry Potter?
  11. Which 2010 song out of these would you want to describe him as?
  12. What decade would be PERFECT for him?
  13. And finally… Team Conrad or Team Jeremiah?

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Quiz topic: What's my Type (for Girls)?
