whats your mermaid tail color

if you are smart you would get a different cold than a genius if you are smart you might maybe get a lighter color if you are a genius you might maybe gets darker color because you worked hard to get that

no i wish but getting close my friends are helping me and my friends also are the smartest kids in the class but i think i will soon be a genius just like them

Created by: Stephanie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. what kind of movies do you like
  2. what drink do you like best
  3. what time of day do you like
  4. are you currently in love
  5. what personality do you have
  6. what is your favor subject in school
  7. whats your favorite desert
  8. what is your favorite pet
  9. what is your favorite flower
  10. whats your favorite meal of the day

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Quiz topic: Whats my mermaid tail color