Whats Your Hogwarts House? (accurate)

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This quiz will tell you which Hogwarts House your in! (this is only partly based on pottermore) all answers are based on both book and movie character traits.

i also based the answers off of research to get the most accurate outcome. I hope you like the quiz, i tried to add a few different questions to other quizzes! :)

Created by: Leah
  1. What role do you usually take on in a group project?
  2. What part of the tri-wizard tournament would you most like to do?
  3. How would you spend your Christmas break from Hogwarts?
  4. Which of these do you value the most?
  5. Which class would you be most excited to take?
  6. Pick an element.
  7. When do you do your homework?
  8. Pick one, outside or inside?
  9. Pick a Jewel.
  10. What extra-curricular would you take part in?
  11. Which pet would you take to hogwarts?
  12. Which interests you the most?
  13. How many points would you get for your house? (be realistic)
  14. Dusk or Dawn?
  15. How would you classify yourself?
  16. If a loved one was in danger what would you do?

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Quiz topic: Whats my Hogwarts House? (accurate)
