What zelda charecter/ sage are you quiz?

There are many smart people in the world,but few are true genius,A Genius after all is a pearson whith a great mind. And when you take my quiz youll find out!!!

But the question is are you a geinius? Do you have what it takes to pass? Well come on and find out come on whats the worst that could happen!?Oh and zelda fans you guys should really take this quiz its really fun. And if you are wondering my score was Nabooru!

Created by: Milky
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Fave color?
  2. Fave thing to do?
  3. Fave type of icecream?
  4. Who do you want to kiss?
  5. Food and to answer nunber 3 thanks I LIKE BIEING WIERD!!
  6. .......OOOOOOOOO.....
  7. What element?
  8. Fave song?
  9. Candy?
  10. Color Hair

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Quiz topic: What zelda charecter/ sage am I quiz?