What your name was ment to be (girls only)

Your name means something! Everybody's does! Sometimes in your school, Brittney might be the name of a mean person and to you that might mean that "Brittney" means "mean" or "stupid". Truley someones name means a little something good.

You name means something. Like you might have a girl in your school named "Amanda" who is really nice and you think her name might mean "nice" or "sweet" or "kind", but it means someting different than that! Something interesting!

Created by: Taylor Warren
  1. What color is your hair?
  2. Do you have good grades?
  3. Would you rather hang out with.....
  4. What do you do with the schools disgusting lunch food?
  5. LONG Q'S: If you saw one of your friends in the hall at school holding a bunch of stuff, and then some bully came and pushed her and all of her stuff went all over, what would you do?
  6. How would you react if someone told you a rumour about your friend?
  7. If someone called you a byotch would you tell the teacher?
  8. SHORT ANSWER Q'S: Do you have a crush on someone?
  9. Do you have a boyfriend?
  10. Why did you take this quiz?
  11. LAST QUESTION! did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: What my name was ment to be (girls only)