What WWE theme song is best for you?

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There are many quizes on what wwe superstar you are, but this is new. Today you find out who's theme song you will have! N

Sorry but RVDs picture got deleed of my tablet. Thxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx! Check my other quiz at [no urls]

Created by: Jacob Sokol
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What style do you like?
  2. What kind of wrestler are you?
  3. When you enter, what do you do?
  4. What type is your finisher move?
  5. How are you built?
  6. What are you usually?
  7. How do you walk?
  8. Yes or No?
  9. Who is better?
  10. What is your hairstyle?
  11. And now... BONUS QUESSSTION! Describe yourself

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