What WW2 warship fits you

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Are you interested in World War II naval warships, if you are, this quiz will suit you well. You can find out which naval warship suits you in this test.

There will be ten questions that you will need to answer. After completing the test, there will be five different ship types for you to match. Enjoy the test!

Created by: Archaeus
  1. How big is your ship
  2. What is the caliber of your ship’s guns
  3. What is the primary offensive weapon of your ship
  4. What mission do you want to go for
  5. What role does your ship play in a fleet
  6. How fast is your ship
  7. What rank commands your ship
  8. How many aircraft does your ship carry
  9. How many crew is on your ship
  10. What naval doctrine are you

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