What will your warrior cat name be?GIRLS ONLY

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Have you ever wondered what your OWN warrior cat name would be? This quiz will help you find out! -WARNING- THIS QUIZ IS FOR GIRLS ONLY, IF A BOY TAKES THIS QUIZ THEN THEY WILL FEEL UNCONMFORTABLE BECAUSE THESE ARE GIRL QUESTIONS!!

This exciting quiz will help you find your she-cat warrior name! There are 12 simple questions to help you find out your warrior or leader name!! GIRLS ONLY

Created by: Jasmine
  1. (Why does every quiz have this question??) Ok, what is your favorite color?
  2. What is your eye color?
  3. What fur color do you want?
  4. Do you want a mate?
  5. Let's say that an enemy clan attacks,what would you do???
  6. Do you want an apprentice?
  7. Your mentor gives you the day off, what do you do?
  8. Are you evilll??
  9. What posistion are you?
  10. Last question, did you like my quiz?

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Quiz topic: What will Ir warrior cat name be?GIRLS ONLY