What Warrior Cat Are You?

what warrior cat are you? basically, it'll ask what leader, what clan, what role, what would you prefer your name to start with, what gender, eye color and all that!

this is my first quiz please be nice about it. I really don't know what else to put here expect randomness so..... .... ................. ............................ ...... just dots ig lol.

Created by: Carmen Sandiego
  1. What Leader? (Scrouge is mentioned in The Darkest Hour book 6 first series)
  2. what role?
  3. What clan?
  4. what would you prefer your name to start with?
  5. What would you prefer your name to end with?
  6. What mate would you prefer?
  7. What gender? (no effect)
  8. Eye color?
  9. did you like the quiz?
  10. want more?

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Quiz topic: What Warrior Cat am I?
