What Type Of Writer Are You?

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What type of writing do you naturally lean towards when you write? Poetry? Plays? Memoirs or essays? Fiction? This quiz is meant to give you a (rather unscientific) inkling of where your natural affinities lie.

Don't overthink each question or possible answer. There isn't just one answer for each one which relates to you being a play write, or a poet. Just give your gut feeling, a general impression?

Created by: rebecca lynch

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When someone asks you a question about your childhood, you?
  2. If asked to describe a particular apple, you say.
  3. You like to hear writing/literature read aloud.
  4. Listening to older relatives tell stories after dinner makes me want to.
  5. You see a letter blow out of a mailman's sack, and think:
  6. Given the following books to read as you wait in the doctor's office, you would choose.
  7. When presented with a problem to solve, you may think:
  8. When you need to remember something, you might?
  9. You will be happy if the reader can clearly.
  10. A story is
  11. The best writing will come from when you.
  12. When telling the story of what happened to you yesterday to friends, you tend to?

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Quiz topic: What Type Of Writer am I?