What Type of Player are You

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umm not much to it just wanted to have some fun with it i enjoyed it just am a little tired yawn huh i had fun! alot of fun! i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did!

i enjoy this thing it is very interesting i am just going to randomly going to say i am tired help me go to bed i feel tired i am tired maybe this will

Created by: Grace
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you rather Go to the "court" or invite some friends over?
  2. friends or 5 million bucks?
  3. pedicure or basball?
  4. lets say you are stuck in this situation... ur mom says one or the other a Taylor Swift concert or A auburn b-ball game
  5. mall or baseball practice
  6. a trip to Hawaii or A ski trip in the Swiss Alps?
  7. sleep or game
  8. candy or jogging
  9. the new bed or a b-ball game with friends?
  10. new house or football game with friends?

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Quiz topic: What Type of Player am I