what type of person are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz what type of person are you?

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  • Im skinny and I do live in Texas T.T

  • What the duck?! I am ducking anerexic and you're calling me obese because I like big spaces? I'm claustrophobic you ducking blitch!!!

  • why did they call me fat and obese when i am a very skinny person. I don't think that they know who they are talking to, because i am a very cool and not fat or obese person and that was kind of rude because the people that are like that find that very offensive to themselves. And i don't think that the person who made this website really knows how to really talk to people and make real friends in real life, and are really low life people that will never have a wife or a husband. That is all i have to say! FOR NOW AT LEAST THATS WHAT THEY THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!

    • I'm a skinny person, and average sized. It totally wasn't fair that they said I was insignificant and no one cared about me. I have a guy who tries to flirt all the time, even though we are just friends. I have loving parents and a brother that cares about me. It's like the author just wanted to have an excuse to be a jerk. I apologize to all that took this quiz, because it ain't kind or fair to anybody. Blessings to y'all!


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