What Type Of Person Are You? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Type Of Person Are You?

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  • Your Result: You are Popular

    You are popular. You are perfect. If you're a boy, you're a jock. If you're a girl, you're a cheerleader. You have tons of friends, if you accept them.

    Ehh.... NO. Not me. You based the first couple of questions based on stereotypes. Just because I have blonde hair, blue eyes, and I like the color pink, does not mean that I'm "popular". And I'm not a cheerleader. I'm a sporty girl, not a dressy girl.

  • You are the In The Middle Person

    You are not a bully, or a geek. But you are also not popular. You're just straight down smack in the middle. You are an average person, and most people are average.

  • Actually I'm only a little bit more than average. The friend is the funniest girl and I'm her bestest friend so I'm kind of popular though I don't really care.

  • Middle Person you could say that but I am more of a loner type.

    Beautiful Games
  • Popular.....? e.e Hell to the no.

    The Coldest Sun

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